(Honour Song)

Kepmite'tmnej ta'n teli-l'nuulti'kw
Let us greatly respect our Nativeness

Nikma'jtut mawita'nej
My people let us gather

Kepmite'tmnej ta'n wetapeksulti'kw
Let us greatly respect our historical roots

Nikma'jtut apoqnmatultinej
My people, let us help one another

Apoqnmatultinej ta'n Kisu'lkw
Let us help one another according to the Creator's

Tel-ika'luksi'kw ula wskitqamu'k
intention for putting us on this planet

Performed by Sentanneway Kengnamogwom Native Choir,
Conne River, Newfoundland.
Directed by Brenda Jeddore

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Eia hei yo
Weio hei hai ya


Ta ho
(affirmative exclamation)