Wowkwis aqq Ka'qaquj - Page 11

Ka'qaquj to'q ti' ketu'klusit pasik jipatk
psoqopska'sin wilu. Wowkwis ki's app weta'muatl
Ka'qaqujl, "Etuk mu tetpaqa'w, mu etuk
natawintu'n? Naji kwilaq na nuku, na'tuen ta'n
kelu'sit aqq natawintoq."

The Crow wanted to speak but he was afraid he would drop his food. The Fox said, "Am I not correct, you are a good singer? Maybe I should find someone else who is good looking and a good singer."

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Copyright © 1999 Centre of Excellence. Used with permission.
Written by Barbara Sylliboy. Narrated by April Julian.
Illustrated by Re'jay Gould. Pencil coloured by Alice Paul.
Web version prepared by Atlantic Canada's First Nation Help Desk.