Wowkwis aqq Ka'qaquj - Page 7

Wowkwis pemkopa'sit aqq ankite'tk ta'n tli
kiseywatal ka'qaqujl. Na mikwite'tk, ka'qaquj na
e'plewite'lsit. Wowkwis telimatl ka'qaqujl, "Ki'
kelu'sijik na kpi'kunmk. Lpa alasetesinkik!"
Welsitk ti ka'qaquj jel asu'kwa't.

The Fox sat down and thought of a clever way to fool the Crow. The Fox remembered that the Crow was conceited. The Fox said to the Crow, "Gosh, your feathers are beautiful. They even glitter." The Crow was very pleased to hear the compliment and kept swaying his head from side to side.

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Copyright © 1999 Centre of Excellence. Used with permission.
Written by Barbara Sylliboy. Narrated by April Julian.
Illustrated by Re'jay Gould. Pencil coloured by Alice Paul.
Web version prepared by Atlantic Canada's First Nation Help Desk.